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Changing social media marketing trends in 2017
The evolution of numerous Social media marketing companies in Singapore speaks volumes about the magic spell this marketing strategy had cast on the consumers. Social media marketing has become the talk of the town. An essential part of marketing which when implied carefully could be your key to boundless success. Although as per the saying changes are universal, social media marketing is no exception to this and hence it has to be out with the old and in with the new to keep pace with the expectations of the audiences.

Some of the upcoming social media marketing trends in 2017
1. Video- the latest lifeline: Gone are the days when people would actually get excited to try your product the moment they get to know about it on a radio or via a hoarding set across the roads! The audiences are becoming more and more practical day by day as they wish to see and feel the commodities before actually consuming them. Having the potential to deliver even the minutest details, video content had and continuously will play an amazingly good role to fill in the gap.
2. Troubleshooting - A personalized way: Tired and frustrated of calling up the customer care ceaselessly. Here comes your saviour to provide you the most immediate solutions you always thought of. The ingress of chatbots in the customer relationship management division has served to be a game changer. As it would be a tool to provide the consumers with one on one interaction with the service providers and to please them with utmost contentment.
3. Get rid of annoying ads: The screen getting messed up with a hell lot of unnecessary advertisements on opening your favorite application... frustrating. Isn't it? Well, the social media marketing companies have got some plans for you... Facebook and Twitter have come up with a brand new strategy of providing personalized notifications and advertisements of only the relevant prospects and hence not to bother the clients by popping out unnecessary and irrelevant content.
4. Social media e-commerce: Transacting via the social media is the new in. Social media giants such as facebook, Instagram, twitter, and Pinterest are coming up with the provisions of bringing the shopping experience right at their door steps by allowing the readers to actually purchase the product from their portals. Plus you get to share your reviews and product trends with your friends like a cakewalk!
5. Encashment of the powers of the influencers: Influencers are treated to be like gods by the youngsters of today. Owing to their expertise and hands on experience, they possess the potential to make or mar your mindset regarding any product/service. Investing in hiring eminent influencers to boost up the market of your products could be a big yes for your organization.

Conclusion: Social media is a platform of the people, for the people and by the people. It is always bound to serve the masses in the best of ways by handling all their issues and requirements. The key for any social media marketing service provider would be to analyze and keep an eye on the ongoing trends in order to boost their potentials to the max.


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